Latin Words  in  Phonetic Picture-Writing

That's the  antique Phonetic Picture-Writing:

Some Latin words yield, when written downwards by these letters, a fitting ideogram.
Example:     senator, plural senatores:

The first 6 letters senato contain all 3 vowel signs e a o of the antique phonetic picture-writing in descending melody and 1 consonant of all 3 sound groups (hissing, humming, stopping sounds). This lets assume that senator is an artificial word which should indicate that in the senate were only people who knew the phonetic picture-writing.
If one turns round the series of vowels in senato, the result is sona-te "sound you". If one reads senato syllabic-wise from the back, the result is tona-se "sounds oneself" (the Latin words sonare and tonare mean "to sound"). Both are also hints to the parliament function of the senate.

The following words mostly yield a better ideogram with vertically reflected signs (i.e. stopping and humming consonants are switched = writing direction downwards and viewing the picture word from above;   left picture column). This mess is caused partly by the fact that in the beginning Latin words were written partly to the left, partly to the right, partly furrow-agilely, and the phonetic picture-writing was written parallel to it (whereby one had to turn one's head either to the right or to the left to recognize the ideograms), partly probably for crytographic reasons.
Also one presumably tried to define an idea by possibly many representations, so by ideograms of different writing directions / fonts, also by the word picture in vertical latin writing, and as a verbal-conceptual compound word (see above "senator").

With the phonetic picture-writing, i is a filling vowel, which is only spoken, but not written.
Latin sounds, which do not exist in phonetic picture-writing, are transformed into it's most similar sound:

        U → O       R → L       D → T       V → P       C, G, Q → K       X → KS

also name of the king,
who gave his kingdom to the mythical Roman ancestor Aeneas
Person on a ship?
The story goes that the Romans went by ship from Troja
there were always 2 consuls
at the same time
(tax assessor)
CENTURIOCenturion (Captain)
Helmet with semi circular,
across-put plume
guard of the circus plays,
in the beginning a
member of the lower class
mythical person,
companion of Bacchus
Latin god of the wood,
the fields, the flocks
foretelling god of the fields and woods:
resembles to grain, field, tree, swimming loose rods
FATUMprophecy, fate
resembles to loose rods,
puppet or mask with handle
peasant face,
2 preadvice vessels


flower, blossom
FRUXfield product 
guard fire
2 sickles
stylized flying bird

the line below indicates
the circle edge
exact meaning:
leather sack,
especially money sack
COMAhair, wool
ears, grass
IMAGOpicture, portrait, mask,
hallucination, appearance, phenomenon
UTthat, so that
DEof, from
INDEfrom there
spatial, temporal, causal
out of
going through or widespread over
a space
eight lines

8 = 2 power 3,   symbolized by
2 lines above and
triangle below
ANIMAsoul, life
originally supposely the animalic, instinctive part of the soul;
also resembles a bird
ANIMUSsoul, mind, life,
will, desire, person, man
SANCTUSholy, venerable
meditative, quiet face
indistinct, distracted face
face with sharpened mouth
= "the speaker"

- The main purpose when forming Latin words supposely was to show the meaning of the word
- One get's the impression that some ideograms were formed in a propagandistic intention
  (peiorative ideograms of peasant, aedilis)
- The peioratve representation of "I" is intended probably as a life wisdom: "Egoism is despicable"

To the main article about  phonetic picture-writing

 update:  2013-8-9